Cleaning Service

The emergence of this company began with a serious desire to handle more professionally in the field of Cleaning Services and Outsourcing. This is considering the lack of Cleaning Services and Outsourcing companies that specifically seriously employ qualified, competent, and highly dedicated workers to their profession, both at the Cleaner level and staff/supervisors in carrying out their duties and obligations.

> Along with the development of the need for Cleaning Services from year to year, increasing along with increasingly sharp competition, we strive to create workers and supervisory staff who are moral, qualified and responsible. By creating quality human resources, both technically and non-technically, they will be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities well.

> Work comfort cannot be separated from the role of cleaning services and office boys/girs/ in your workplace. With a clean and neatly arranged workspace, as well as healthy, beautiful and comfortable facilities, it will provide positive energy/impact for its workers. Our cleaning service team understands and knows about clean lines and health management so that they will always provide and create a CLEAN, HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL and COMFORTABLE atmosphere for you.

Quality Control System :

Recruitment: Employee screening is carried out selectively, must meet the criteriaset and adjusted to the placement or position.Training & Development: Every employee who has been placed is ensured to havereceived training with standard skills that are adjusted to the needs of the area andcontinuous and periodic HR development by holding a competency development program (PPK) at the PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD school.

Standard Grooming: Appearance shows personal image, employee appearance isan important part of the quality of excellent service therefore we create a standard appearance that will be carried out consistently.

Work System: Is a series of jobs that we arrange structurally to produce and achieveexcellent service.